Hello Friends and Family:
I hate to start with a cliche', but time really flies! I didn't realize how long it has been since I sent the last update. So much has happened since that time. To keep this from rambling on, I will just hit the highlights.
The children of GRACE Home have had some new experiences recently. A Sunday School class at Burkes' UMC in Chattanooga sent a donation for shoes. So we gathered the children in the UMC vehicle and took them to market for shopping. It was the first ride for most of them and many had never even been to town. I loved watching them look around in awe and get excited about new surroundings. There is nothing better than experiencing life through the eyes of a child. (A P.S. here: we took the boys and girls separately to keep it manageable. But, even at that, we ended up taking 13 girls shopping at one time. It was really a first for Justus.).
The children continue to amaze me when they use their creativity. They are now making mud vehicles and even putting passengers in them. As they work on their houses, they have built local style mini-kitchens using tin cans, water bottle lids, and stones for utensils. They even made their own grinding stone. I found some badminton rackets and frisbees at Captain's House. I took them to GRACE and taught the children to play. They enjoyed it and was good at it. Soccer continues to rule though.
We have had several groups come work (and play) with the children. Each one did different things and the kids loved all of them.
Our agriculture program is growing (pun intended
). UMCOR gave us some seeds so we now have lots of vegetables started in addition to the fruit trees that have been planted. So far, we have okra, tomatoes, onions, carrots, two kinds of greens, watermelon, cabbage, and egg plant. They reported they have actually planted 500 okra seeds! The garden has enlarged so much that we had to have someone to tend it full time. So we made one of the guards the Agriculture Manager. He is currently being trained by the person who planted our trees. They have been so busy and they have made a remarkable difference in the landscape!

Tomorrow Fred and I leave here to return to the U.S. for 6 weeks. I am thankful for internet and email because at least I will get reports and stay in touch that way. So I hope to see you very soon. Thank you so much for your interest this past year as GRACE Home became a reality.
Wishing you all a Blessed Christmas.
GRACE, peace, and joy to all,