Greetings from GRACE Home!
Everything is now up and running quite well. The children have settled in quite nicely and it is so good to hear the laughing and singing and see them playing. One day I arrived and saw these little structures in the area where they play. I went over to see what they were and found little houses! Several of them had constructed little houses with sticks and mud. They had walls to divide the rooms and had built in beds, chairs, and tables. Mary had decorated hers with floor covering, curtains, tablecloths, and even flowers on the table AND flowers bordering the house! They were so precious. But, more importantly, it shows their creativity and resourcefulness.
There is a picture attached of our boys holding a picture of a little boy from America. That child goes to a church we attended previously and he took his allowance money and purchased balls for the children because he was concerned about them not having any balls to play with. I took Adam's picture to our children and told them the story. I asked if any one would like to have their picture taken for me to send to him so he would know his South Sudanese friends. Every child wanted to participate! So, I took a group picture from each house to send to Adam. They had so much fun with this. I have never seen South Sudanese children giggle so much. What a beautiful sound!
We attended worship service at Pukuka UMC two weeks ago and the GRACE children sang. They were welcomed by the community and they participated in communion. I'm not sure they understood, but, as we will teach them about Christ, one day they will understand. Justus said that they have a short morning devotion and then something in the evening.
With the help of UMCOR, we now have three beehives. These were purchased with Advance money and UMCOR built them and put them in. They will train our staff to care for them and harvest the honey. There will be plenty to eat and to sell. One of the hives is already colonized. The hives are located in the area of the orchard so one will complement the other. I have included a picture of what looks like sticks in the ground but, in fact, is the banana grove. There was already one tree there and it should have bananas ready to eat soon.
Unfortunately, we have not found a teacher to hold classes for them until they can start school in January. Please continue to pray for this. Also, one of the children, Mercy, is having some leg and joint pain and Dr. Sharon is doing some tests for a diagnosis. Please keep her and Dr. Sharon in your prayers. We will soon be leaving here for the U.S. so we ask that you pray for us as we sadly leave our South Sudanese family and friends but excitedly look forward to seeing our U.S. family and friends.
May God's GRACE and peace be with you in all circumstances.